After all the reasearch and opinions I have collected, I still feel as if women are better than men. Women are better than men at many things. We are becoming stronger and dominant in society. Yes we are better liars because we plan our lies out before we tell them, men do the total opposite. Also, women can express their feelings and be honest about it. Men, on the other hand, just tell women what they want to hear. Now, don't get me wrong, not all men are the same ! But majority are. Women and men are equal but then again their different. According to Men & Women: Differences, Women think logically and men grasp a situation as a whole and think globally. Women select the most valuable knowledge and pass it over to another generation. Men are builders and creators. Men get sick twice as often as women, but women care more about their health. Women endure pain and monotonous work better than men. As stated in the article, men are better than women just as much as women are better than men, just in different ways. But like I've said before, WOMEN ARE BETTER THAN MEN !
This is an interesting topic. The image is a good visual of the blog topic, showing a male and female butting heads. I agree with the fact that men and women think and act differently in situations. The argument that women are better liars is not something to be proud of. In thinking of the character of a person, no one likes a liar; this is a sign that someone cannot be trusted. You use the quote from the article that “women endure pain and monotonous work better than men”, but the article, “Men & Women: Differences”, also states that “men are more independent in their thoughts and actions.” Both men and women have attributes that seem superior, but both sexes have their purpose. So, just as you mentioned in your post, “men are better than women just as much as women are better than men, just in different ways.”
ReplyDeleteThis is a logical explanation that women are superior to men, but it could interpreted wrong. If people look at the physical aspects of life, then men would be predominatly better than men. Women do have the edge in the emotinal and social aspect of life. There is really no direct answer to this, because if people were to question the two sexes, they would naturally say they are better. SInce people are created differently, there may be some attributes that make men seem superior, and there may be some aspects that women seem more superior. Really, there is just no correct answer to this, since no person is created the smae.
ReplyDeleteYour picture and topic both have the power to draw in viewers. The analyzing and breaking down of the two sexes is something that has to be approached very cautiously though. Your facts are clear, but some comments and just the way you capitalized words makes you seem a little cocky. Men who read the blog might not see your logical reasoning simply because your tone was overbearing. I would recommend some revising when saying which side your on. It does not matter to me which sex is better because this topic cannot speak for every person of different sexes. We are all individuals and should be recognized for that, not who can stand pain or has the better health.
ReplyDeleteThe title of this blog is what caught my attention. I was looking forward to finding out what the author's opinion on the subject was and if any research was found to support it.
ReplyDeleteI cannot say whether I think that men are better than women or vice versa but I do agree with all of the examples that were listed above.
http://www.menarebetterthanwomen.com/top-ten/ apparently thinks that men are better than women because it has a list of the top ten reasons why.
So who is really better? Like you stated earlier, I believe that men are better than woman just as much as we are better than them in different aspects.
You provide almost no evidence supporting your claim. You provide your own biased opinion as a woman, but offer no real information contending that women are better than men. Yes I agree that they are completely different, but to say one is better than the other really doesn't make any sense. Men do certain things better than women just as women do certain things better than men. A winner cannot be decided because there is no definitive answer.
ReplyDeleteWomen are without a doubt better than men. We were given the life chaanging ability to have children which makes us much more cool in my opinion. Birth is an ability in which men only have the ability to watch and not actually participate in of course other than making the mother comfortable during the childbirth. Some men may say that they are glad that they can't have children but although it is painful it is a beautiful accomplishment. So this raises the question "What makes men think that they are better than women?"
ReplyDeleteThis is definitely a blog just based on opionion. No gender is better than another. One can not live with out the other. Women need men just as much as men need women. Its a big difference between being a feminist and just someone who wants to bash men. http://www.feminist.com/ shows how to be a strong woman in a world where men are prominant. Its doesnt say beat down men because women are better
ReplyDeleteThis blog has no supporting evidence to back it up. studies show that while women mature faster than men their much more run by their emotions than any man.
ReplyDeleteThat being said their decission making skills are greatly effected leaving them open to great human error.