There are 39 million women abused by their partners. According to the http://www.asafeplaceforhelp.org/ states that every nine seconds a woman is abused by her husband. That is a terrible thing, I think a man should never hit a woman. Men who hit women are cowards, I feel they men hit on women simply because they know they are bigger and stronger and the woman has let them think that they can rule them. Domestic Violence and Abuse is used for one and only one purpose and that is to gain total control over a person. Those who are abuser use the fear, low- self esteem that the person they are abusing to keep them down and make them feel worthless and that no one else wants them. I think Domestic Violence should become a felony. Maybe if it was a felony guys would think about what they are doing a stop. Only about half of domestic violence incidents are reported to police. African- american women are more than likely to report than any others says Lawarence A. Greenfield Violence By Intimates: Analysis of Data on Crimes. As a young woman myself I understand that those who are in a abusive relationship they need to help themselves also, no one can help you if you can't help youself. Women need to think about if you have children who know that you are being abused fight to get out of that realationship, because you don't want your son/daughter to be a abuser or be in a abusive relationship. Abuse is a cycle that either the abuser has had this happen to or knows someone very close who was abused or was the abuser and they pick up the traits.If you think someone you know is in a abusive relationship look for these Signs control over everything he/she does, excessive calling or check ups. Domestic Violence is like a Disease and WE NEED TO HELP STOP IT! Lets lower the number of women being abused. To learn more about Domestic Violence and, Statistics on domestic violence click on these links.
I have debated many and many times whether to respond to this post or not. I agree with many parts of your post, especially where you mention that abuse is used to make the victim feel inferior to the abuser. I was involved in an abusive relationship with my boyfriend when I was a junior in high school for about six months. I can identify with most victims; however, my situation was not intense whereas I ever had to go to the hospital or had broken bones. You mentioned in your post that we should have helped ourselves. It really is not that easy. Of course we want help; I went in search of help to an adult that I thought I could confide in, but never received any great advice or assistance. I felt like I was back to square one and most of all HELPLESS. People always ask me why I stayed with him, and it is always difficult to answer that question. http://www.letswrap.com/dvinfo/whystay.htm is a link that you could use to perhaps incorporate next time. Have you ever considered that domestic abusers are not always men? Women are abusers as well. Your article is a little biased because you did not identify the FACT that women are too domestic abusers. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/26570.php is another article that identifies women as domestic abusers and this should help your next posting.
ReplyDeleteBeing that this post is under the Cancer Statistics tag, I was looking to learn about cancer. Once I saw that the title was If You Say You Love Me, Then Why Hit Me, I thought it would be interesting to see which cancer you were talking about. But that never happened.
ReplyDeleteSo were you using "cancer" metaphorically or something?
Overall, I understand what you were trying to say in your blog, but it was not easy to follow. The way your senteces were structured was a bit confusing. For example, "Those who are abuser use the fear, low- self esteem that the person they are abusing to keep them down and make them feel worthless and that no one else wants them."
And I agree with LaurenKelli, it is not that easy to just get out of an abusive relationship. That is like telling someone who has been a smoker all their life to just stop one day. It takes help, time, adjustment and a number of other factors.
http://hubpages.com/hub/How_to_Get_Out_of_an_Abusive_Relationship details that it takes planning and help from others to just leave an abusive relationship.