The death penalty is one method of punishment that sentences the criminal to death for certain extreme offenses. Some countries see the death penalty as wrong, and have abolished it in their country. In the United States, the death penalty is not abolished, but there are many arguments as to if it should still be used. In 2008, only 37 states in the U.S. still used the death penalty. The 13 states in which abolished the death penalty are of the following: Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Nebraska and New York has claimed that one method of execution violated their states' constitution. A criminal can be sentenced to death row by one main crime, murder. In Georgia, "murder, kidnapping with a ransom when the victim dies, aircraft hijacking, and treason" are all crimes punishable by the death penalty. Other states include more and less crimes, but the basis is murder. Call me old fashioned, but if you are able to take the life of another and it was not forced, the death penalty is just. Americans who disbelieve in the death penalty claim that is should be abolished because "people make mistakes, and killing someone is wrong, and two wrongs do not make a right." On the other hand, in which I strongly agree, killing with the intentions of killing, is not a mistake. "They deserve to die, and not sentencing to death will only give that person another chance to commit the same crime." Sarah Palin, a U.S. Politician and former Alaskan Governor quotes "We have a right to know that someone who rapes and murders a child or kills an innocent person in a drive-by shooting will never be able to do that again." Along with agreeing with Palin, I also agree with George W. Bush, Former U.S. President, that "the death penalty is not about revenge, but about saving other people's lives." The death penalty should not abolished. The punishment of it will keep some criminals in line and delete criminals who choose to still offend this law.
I agree with you, those who kill others for no apparent reason they should be given the death penalty. Why take a innocent person's life who didn't do anything to you. If a person can take another person life I feel that their lives should be taken as well. It will knock one killer of the chart and is a step closer to getting rid of all the weird,crazy people in the world. Who have a cold heart..
ReplyDeleteI most definitely agree with the death penalty only when needed. In the state of Georgia I feel that the death penalty is acceptable due to the crimes you commit. I also believe in the phrase “eye for an eye.” That only means that if you get caught the crime you did to someone would then be done to you. I also believe that the convicted criminal’s’ case should be heavily examined. According to Kari Burns’ article there are at least 25 innocent people who are being murdered due to the death penalty. Maybe one day people will realize just how serious the consciences are for there actions.
ReplyDeleteEye for an Eye
Kari Burns
The subject of this blog is what lead me to go on reading. I wanted to know the author's opinion and stance on the important issue and from what I have read I could not agree more. The death penalty has many perks to it. According to http://www.balancedpolitics.org/death_penalty.htm although the reasons no for death penalty outweigh the reasons yes for death penalty the reasons for the death penalty are much more beneficial. If someone kills intentionally do we really owe them anything, let alone their life? No! Without capital punishment, tax payers of all ages pay to keep criminals alive. If you take the life of a person, why should we spare the life of one who took it intentionally?
ReplyDeleteThis is definitely a topic that i agree with. People that are in gangs or dirty businesses do not have the right to take ones life and get away with it. The reason that drugs, theft, and murder has become so bad lately is because there is truly no consequences from that behavior. People are committing crimes because they know that the worst thing to happen is prison, and in there the people are given free clothes, food, and shelter. If the state would start giving the death sentence to more criminals, there will be an instant decrease in crime. I believe that what goes around comes around. For those who have chosen to take a life then shall have their just reward.
ReplyDeleteYour view on this subject is the same to mine. I believe that If there is evidence of a person intentionaly killing someone, not for self-defense, then that person deserves to die, but I believe they should be put in prison for life. If not then the federal government and everyone else involved in the ruling of the death penalty are murderers themselves. This would be more punishing to them by making them feel the guilt of the crime they have committed. This alternative costs less and the prisoner has to work while the profit goes directly to the victim's family.
In my opinion I think the death sentence should be abolished. I saw where you said "two wrongs do not make right". I totally agree with you. personally I think they should rot in jail for the rest of their lives. The death penalty is just the easy way out to me. What is the point of taking the life of somebody else it is not going to bring back the person they killed. To me it is a lose lose situation. Both families lost somebody and nothin has gotten solved, and they still will want revenge. Also if you think about it is a lot of people that goes around raping and killing, as americans are we really going to spend a fortune on killing people? We could be using that money to help the poor or build schools. It is a waste of money.