For many high school students, seeing pregnant peers is roughly apart of the high school experience. So when the Lifetime channel decided to put teen pregnancy in the forefront with their feature film, The Pregnancy Pact. Many students weren’t exactly shocked to see that things of this nature were happening in other parts of the U.S. because of their prior knowledge to teen pregnancy. After seeing this movie, I thought to myself this school is just like my school, everybody’s pregnant. It kind of makes you wonder if babies are new accessories for people. Even in Hollywood, it seems as if everybody’s pregnant. If Americans keep this up we’ll have population problems like China. Recently I discovered a Time Magazine article posted on their website about a recent rise in teen pregnancy in the U.S., which also caused abortion rates to rise. According to the article rates were on a downfall in the 1990’s, but by 2006 was at an all time high. Which isn’t a big shock to me. I mean like the old saying says, out with the old and in with the new. This saying just happens to apply to a not so good habit.
Time Magazine Article: New Data: Teen Pregnancy on the Rise, Abortions Too
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Guttmacher report: Following Decade-Long Decline, U.S. Teen Pregnancy Rate Increases As Both Births And Abortions Rise
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I agree the teen pregnacy rate is already steadily increasing. the fact that lifetime showed the pregnacy pact made it even worse, now ignorant little girls are making pacts and getting pregnant. its happening all around us and the media is the blame, for allowing movies like this to be shown on popular networks watched by all ages..
ReplyDeleteThis topic was very catchy and interesting. Before I began to read this blog I expected to learn a lot more than what I already know about the subject. Over time this has really become a huge issue in our society. Using the Lifetime movie, The Pregnancy Pact, as an example was a great idea. The movie actually shows how bad teen pregnancy has gotten and it makes your argument that much stronger.
ReplyDeleteAlso, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/25/AR2010012503957.html, presents an article that says teen pregnancy rates in 2005-2006 between teens in the age range of 15-19 has increased by 3 percent since 1990. This is just to show that the pregnancy rate of our teens today are not getting any slower. Who do you think is the blame for this and what do you feel should or could be done to make these numbers change or at least slow down?
Lastly, when you said, "Even in Hollywood, it seems as if everybody’s pregnant. It kind of makes you wonder if babies are new accessories for people," I think that is so true. Either they are pregnant or trying to get pregnant. The website http://www.pregnanthollywood.com/ gives a brief list of people in hollywood who are either pregnant, have been, or are trying. So, you are right. At the rate that we are going in the United States, "we'll have population problems like China."
A lot of teens in high school are getting pregnant these days, and some even get pregnant in middle school. I can agree with you on the lifetime Channel situation. Many kids tend to be influenced by the things they listenin to and watch on television. I think if different television stations were to cut down the stuff they put on tv the pregnancy rate will decrease a little but not much,it is a start.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping to learn more about why teenagers get pregnant get pregnant when there are contraceptives avaliable and they know they are not finally able to take care of another life. The author of the article stated "It kind of makes you wonder if babies are new accessories for people." It seems like we live in an era of "baby boomers". Of course teen pregnancy is a major cause of increased abortion. What caught my attention was the author bringing up the Lifetime movie because I have seen it. The title does explain the topic because to teenager's parents their teenagers are still their babies, and they are having babies! The visuals add to the arguement of the author. It could have explained more as to why teenagers are becoming pregnant and what the teens or the parents of the teen parents are doing (if anything) to decrease teen pregnancy. Overall, the blog is useful and interesting.
ReplyDeleteAccording to {http://ezinearticles.com/?Why-Are-Teenagers-Having-Babies?&id=3077405}the average age of a person losing their virginity is 14. Sex is one of those issues that kids want to know about. hey want to know how it feels. They want to know if all of the other kids are doing it. It seems inevitable to the eye but this has to be stopped.But the question is: Does it matter what parents do?